A note on Events and Activations

I respect the confidentiality of my employers and clients. All of my work to date on events and activations has been under a signed non-disclosure agreement.

I have worked on a wide range of events and would like to detail a few examples below in writing. I’d be happy to detail these more and supply any visuals where possible.

I have done several years of work with a major oncology drug company that is seeing astounding success across the globe. The US Oncology Division relies on me and my team for planning, creative vision, visuals, and intense creative work with high-level leaders to develop their presentations and messaging. I have been requested as the exclusive Creative Director for all projects with this client.

I have done work on several cruise ship activations and christenings. These projects require deep brand awareness, elegant content, and innovative messaging to avoid repetition. At my last christening, I worked with a local dance and acrobatic troupe to create and choreograph the opening number. I selected the music, created the visuals, and worked with the dancers almost single-handedly. The number was a resounding hit, and I’m proud to say it brought the client to tears.

I have served as Creative Director for the largest business travel agency in the world’s sales incentive trip for 2 years. This project involves 10+ "sub clients," adding exponential complexity. I led the creation of the opening videos and performances, worked closely with the emcee to create his content, coached each sub-client for their stage time, and built custom video content for various segments. This year I led the creation of a 'puppet video’ that involved creating six custom puppets made to look like executives. I wrote the script and treatment and oversaw the shoot and production. I then created a moment where the live puppets would come out on stage to huge applause. The client could not say enough about this, telling me how all week long people were coming up to them to talk about the puppets, a true metric of success.

There are many other examples, but I hope this gives a window into my work as an Events and Activations Creative Director. Know that I will continue to respect the confidentiality agreements I sign with future employers and clients.