I’m a Video Producer, Director, and Editor with over eleven years of experience telling stories across digital platforms. I have a track record of delivering dynamic video and animation that inspires audiences to take action. I’m collaborative, creative, detail-oriented, and highly motivated. I always deliver projects on schedule and on budget.
I did my undergraduate work at Sarah Lawrence College. I studied dance and anthropology. It gave me a sense for time and space, and a lifelong pursuit for knowledge.
A visiting artist introduced me to dance on film during my senior year, and I was immediately hooked. I loved composing art for the screen and designing things to be viewed online.
I got my master’s degree in Design & Technology at Parsons the New School For Design. I built up skills in coding, videography, and design. I loved every minute of it.
After grad school I worked at a small infographics firm where I learned to tell stories through data.
I joined The New York Public Library as a Designer in 2012. I rose up through the organization and I ran the Digital Media Team, responsible for all audio, video, and photography communication.
I struck out on my own and started a freelance video production and strategy business in late 2019.